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С нами с 29.08.06
Сообщения: 228
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 31/01/08 в 22:00       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

когда пей аут на bruzbucks и nastydollars



С нами с 14.01.01
Сообщения: 4012
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 31/01/08 в 23:35       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Payments for the pay period from the 1st to the 15th are sent out on the 24th. Payments for the pay period from the 16th to end-of-month are sent out on the 9th of the following month.

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С нами с 21.04.06
Сообщения: 779
Рейтинг: 633

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 01/02/08 в 02:37       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Brazbucks.com reserves the right to determine the manner in which payments shall be processed. Generally, the pay period shall be split into two monthly periods: from the 1st of the month to the 15th of the month and from the 16th of the month to the last day of the month. Generally, payments shall be made 30 days after the end of pay period. Generally, the first payment is sent 30 days after end of pay period and subsequent payments are sent every 2 weeks thereafter.

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