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Информация о пользователе Tekken

Зарегистрирован: 18.06.02
Сообщения: 1275
Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 18/10/02 в 12:37     

С ГоФаков:

1. ----------------------------------------------

There will be some changes to the credit card procedure shortly.
Due to new implemented security systems from Visa and Mastercard it won't be possible to do recurring billings anymore.
New regulations will make it necessary that credit card information will be directly entered on the Visa/Mastercard system. Therefore we won't have any credit card information in our system anymore and therefore we will be unable to do rebillings.
At the moment there's no specific date known when Visa/Mastercard will implement this new procedure but they already informed us that this will come shortly. I've also heard the same from IBill and CCBill. This will enforce massive changes to the adult entertainment (no recurring billings anymore).
источник: http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=83176

2. ----------------------------------------------

Just got this notice from Paypal saying that Mastercard is requiring a $1000.00 fee/ $500.00 renewal on top of the VISA fee of $750.00. We have two paypal accounts. Now this is starting to add up. Lets see, three processors and Paypal thats about $8750 in fees.
I for one am feeling really bent over right about now.

источник: http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=83172

Буржуины загоревали.

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Информация о пользователе Vaio

Зарегистрирован: 16.07.02
Сообщения: 397
Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 18/10/02 в 14:05     

1-e. Kak mne kajetsia - nereal'no. Toje samoe skazal i predstavitel' Epocha.
2-e. Vot eta huinia mojet bit', esli Mastercard za PayPal vzialsia, to skoree vsego i do billingov skoro doberetsia.

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Информация о пользователе Tekken

Зарегистрирован: 18.06.02
Сообщения: 1275
Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 18/10/02 в 20:04     

Блин Vaio, пока твои прогнозы работают. Вот оффициал по поводу второго пункта:

Following closely on the heels of VISA's announcement that it will begin charging "high risk" merchants initial and recurring fees to use its services, PayPal revealed today in a letter to its Webmaster clients that MasterCard's fees will be even steeper.

According to PayPal, on Nov. 1 MasterCard will begin charging all merchants who process charges through an Internet Payment Service Provider, or so-called "third-party processor," an initial fee of $1,000 and an annual renewal fee of $500. The credit card company also will require "sponsored merchants" to complete a registration form about their businesses, URLs, and the like.

Earlier this month, MasterCard ordered that adult online merchants remove its logo from their Websites.

полный вариант тут: http://www.avnonline.com/issues/200210/newsarchive/101702_lead.shtml

Но мне кажется, что этим не закончится. Так что первый пункт тоже весьма себе реален.
Ладно ждем дальше.

K началу

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