Парни выручайте, связка atl3+dtr. atl3 в админке не показывает клики от трейдеров - соответсвенно и продуктивность. Может кто сталкивался с этим. всем ответившим естественно рейтинг. спасибо.
To track incoming hits, you need to place the following code in your index.shtml file
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/at3/in.cgi" -->
for php mainpages use
<?php virtual ("/cgi-bin/at3/in.cgi"); ?>
To see if SSI (server side includes) is enabled, open your main site,
and check for a line similar to the following
document.cookie='atref=noref$#; path=/;
If you still see the #include virtual= .. line, ask your host to enable SSI.
If you see an error like "an error occurred while processing this directive",
you either uploaded the incorrect package, or the permissions of the cgi files are incorrect.
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