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Anyone who tells you there is “no money to be made in AVS anymore these days”, is either stupid or retarded.
AVS is still very much alive & kicking! And, when you know what you are doing, you can make yourself a small fortune from your AVS-site(s)…
I’d say that anyone, starters and professionals alike, should look at all the possible methods to make money.
And a lot of you are just focussing on TGP-ing. It is my (idle?) hope this tutorial can shift that focus a bit..
I do not have the pretension that this tutorial is holding the single key to success. It should merely be read as a guideline for beginners and to illustrate how I got
AVS to work successfully for me.
How to build a successful AVS-site?
Generally you can distinguish two types of AVS.
1. The ones that offer a free pass to the AVS network in combination with a trial to paysite for a small fee.
They will pay you per signup. Non recurring.
A good one, that has high payouts, and one I can certainly recommend, is: Sex Pictures Pass
2. The ones that offer a recurring membership to the AVS network, often around $30. They will pay you a recurring %. A good example here is: Adultbouncer
The last option has distinct disadvantages. First of all, your site must have a very good, professional looking, design that justifies the high signup fee for the surfer.
Second, you must update regularly to retain the memberships.
Some may argue that retention is higher because of the abundance of porn in the AVS network itself. However, my experience is different. The surfer signs up for your site
firstly. And if you don’t update they will stop being a member. Also because of the fact that the through the AVS network supplied content is recycled over and over again.
Taking that all in consideration, I personally think that the first option is the better one…
So, lets start creating our site, shall we?
Pick a niche you are comfortable with. This seriously is very important. Don’t just start a teen site because everyone is doing it. What kind of porn makes you tick? Pick it!
You are a expert on that niche and you know best what to show the surfers to make them go wild!
Now go looking for good content. There are a lot of content providers around. If you are to lazy to look them up, you can just start a thread and ask them to spam you
on any board. They would be more then happy to.
Some of them have good package deals others may give you discount if you order certain sets or amounts. Choose carefully, it’s your money, and it is supposed to make
you money later…
Obviously, to start a site you will need hosting and a domain name as well, but because of the chance that this tutorial would become to elaborate, I will not get into that
further. Any questions about these topics could be answered with a good search on the boards.
Now that you have the content, you can start building your site!
Remember, your biggest aim is to get the surfer to sign up. (Really, keep it in mind while creating the site!)
A key factor in this process is trust.
The surfer must trust that the site delivers what they say. That the site has the content the surfer is looking for. What works for me is opening up the members section
as a preview. I have nothing to hide.
The surfer can access an exact copy of the members section, complete with all the galleries with thumbnails and all. The first couple of thumbnails can lead to pics.
However, every other pic and movie leads to a signup page.
Another factor is sales pitch. Make full use of the advantages of the AVS system:
“You can see this all with your FREE lifetime membership!!” and ”Gain access to this site and hundreds of others with just one pass!” Etc. Etc. You get the point…
From my experience, a great looking site is not needed. Just pick some nice complementing colours and keep it simple and –important- easy to navigate.
The fact that the site doesn’t look too slick can actually benefit to the trust factor. It can make the surfer think that the site is built by one of them…
This should be enough to make the surfer horny, make him trust your site and should make him think: “What the hack, it’ll cost me near to nothing.. Why not?!”
He will get his credit card and sign up..
But how do we get the surfers to visit your site?
Like most subscription (and other) sites in this business, also AVS sites get most of their traffic through galleries. You will have to build them. If you own free sites or
TGP’s yourself, you can list them on it. But most people will have to get them listed somewhere else.
But don’t be affraid!
Building galleries isn’t actually that hard. Most of the galleries that get listed on the TGP’s have a simple layout and are straight HTML. Take a good look at the galleries
that are listed on some big TGP's. And learn from it! Often, content is they key factor here.
Now, you already have the great content that you’ve bought to fill up you members section! You can use that for your galleries as well. No extra expenses here.
If you really feel you can’t build it, or you are just too lazy, you can order a gallery template for only $20* here: Adultdesign.biz
(*That the price the last time I checked)
There are plenty of good tutorials around about submitting and creating galleries. Like this one Read them and educate yourself. Don’t think it’s too hard, because it isn’t,
just start working straight away. You will never learn more by reading then by personal experience. Don’t expect to be listed by the big sites straight away. Remember, a lot
of traffic coming from a lot of smaller sites is still a lot of traffic! And often of better quality.
There are also other ways to get traffic to your site. Such as search engine submission, banner exchanges and AVS lists. But these have either little traffic to offer
(banner exchange and AVS lists) or are quite complicated and a more long-term concern (search engine submission). So don’t expect too much of these.
Last but not least: the members section and upsells
This is a part that a lot of people easily forget. But it can become a really important part of your site and your income.
The idea is quite simple.
Since all of the surfers visiting your members section have gone through the signup process and have pulled out their credit card to do so, you know that all of these surfers
have a credit card AND are not afraid to use it online to buy a subscription.
And, and this is the best part, you know in what niche they are interested! These surfers are highly valuable. Make use of them! You are not going to let them just stroll
around your members section, are you? That would be just plain stupid.
No, what you are going to do is getting them to sign up to another subscription porn site in your niche…
So go around and find the quality porn sites that cater your niche. Sign up for their affiliate programs and try and promote them to your members.
Selling (trial) memberships to my members accumulates to about 13-18% of the total income! It’s definitely worth it!
To summarise: “Why should I get into AVS?”
Because you control everything!!!
1. You’ve built the galleries and will get the surfer to your site!
2. You’ve built the site so can get the surfer to sign up!
3. And it doesn’t stop there! You can even get the newly acquired members to sign up to other sites in your members section!
You will never lose control over the traffic and can tweak everything to your advantage this way and create a site that works for you!
I'd say, make use of that great advantage!!!
Give it a try! Start by signing up with a good AVS right now! (see sig)
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