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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 02/11/01 в 20:36

Хостинг который не фри...
Кто-нибудь работает с EXMASTERS.COM, хороший хост или нет? Заранее спасибо....

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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 03/11/01 в 11:50

Раньше нормальный был - сейчас не знаю

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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 04/11/01 в 11:43

У них траблы большие...
Dear customer,

we have to tell one VERY IMPORTANT thing to you.

Exmasters company has been divided into
Milos Kalerta (50% owner)
Paul Gadzuk (25% owner)
Roman Belonohy (25% owner)
and several workers (web design, programming, tech support and help

A few days ago we noticed that Milos was not forwarding client's orders
and support requests to tech department.

Situation is that Milos has stolen all company's money and want to
continue without other exmasters owners.

The pitty is that Milos is owner of exmasters.com domain so HE will be
exmasters.com :(
Paul is owner of server that exmasters.com is working on now.
It is the reason why Milos have to buy new machine for his (own)

You know our machine is now REALLY stable and we are
almost ready to add COOL CONNECTIVITY what will greatly boost our
services and your sites. Don't worry we will borrow money ! We want you
to be 100% satisfied !
Great thing is that we will run WebLoadMeter2 system with full 3 level
referral system and discounts for data transfer you make in several days
but had to move release date a few days because of there problems with
Milos :(

Advantage for you is that your pages remain without any downtime !! WE
HAVE SERVER, not Milos ! Milos have to buy a new server !

Maybe the Milos's server will be a little bit faster in a few months
when his machine is stable but we would like you to remain our client.

Milos has stolen all money but don't worry ! You don't have to pay once
again ! We will pay all your prepaid transfer. We have access to logs
who have paid and how much it exactly was.

We will send you a new company's name and prepare new company's web

We will be happy when you stay with us ! If you want to stay with us
don't pay to Milos or you could not see that money anymore. We will
write you how to pay and when yo do it ok ?

And PLEASE write to us - exmasters team - to .......

Вот такие пироги.

K началу

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