Привет всем имеется скрипт верней не скрипт а код скрипта в формате txt , открываю этот документ и выглядит это так
# Web Spoof
# Pavel Aubuchon-Mendoza [admin@deviance.org][http://www.deviance.org]
# Summary:
# Works as a normal command line web retrieval script,
# except will spoof the referer. This can be left to the script to do,
# or specified in the command line. This will bypass any kind of reference
# checking, in most cases. Will also screw up the REMOTE_HOST variable which
# some cgi scripts use, but the correct IP will of course be sent. Default
# broswer is Netscape 4.5 under Win95. This can be changed in the script.
# Usage: - default output is standard out, to save to a file
# you will need to redirect it, especially for
# binary/image files -
# ./webspf.pl [file] <referer>
# Examples:
# ./webspf.pl language.perl.com/info/software.html > software.html
# - referer would be language.perl.com/info/index.html -
# ./webspf.pl
linux.org/images/logo/linuxorg.gif > penguin.gif
# - referer would be
linux.org/images/logo/index.html -
# ./webspf.pl
linux.org/ freebsd.org/whatever.html > index.html
# - referer would be
freebsd.org/whatever.html -
use IO::Socket;
$loc = $ARGV[0]; #
$temp = reverse($loc); # lmth.tset/moc.a.www
$host = substr($temp,rindex($temp,"\/")+1); # moc.a.www
$host = reverse($host); #
$dir = substr($loc,index($loc,"\/")); # /test.html
$referer = $ARGV[1]; # <blank>
if($referer eq "") { # true
$temp = substr($temp,index($temp,"\/")+1); # /moc.a.www
$temp = reverse($temp); #
$referer = $temp . "index\.html"; #
} # spoofed referer!
print STDERR "\nWebSpoof v1.0 : 12/18/1998\n";
print STDERR "Pavel Aubuchon-Mendoza +
$res = 0;
$handle = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 80) or $res = 1;
if($res eq 0) {
print STDERR "\[Connected to $host\]\n";
print $handle "GET $dir HTTP/1.0\n";
print $handle "Referer: $referer\n";
print $handle "Connection: Close\n";
print $handle "User-Agent: Mozilla\/4.5 [en] \(Win95\; I\)\n";
print $handle "Host: $host\n";
print $handle "Accept: image\/gif\, image\/x-xbitmap\, image\/jpeg\, image\/pjpeg\, image\/png\, *\/*\n";
print $handle "Accept-Encoding: gzip\n";
print $handle "Accept-Language: en\n";
print $handle "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1\,\*\,utf-8\n\n";
while($temp ne "") { # read some headers
$temp = <$handle>;
@sort = split(/:/,$temp);
if(@sort[0] =~ /server/i) { print STDERR " \[$temp\]\n"; }
if(@sort[0] =~ /date/i) { print STDERR " \[$temp\]\n"; }
if(@sort[0] =~ /content/i) { print STDERR " \[$temp\]\n"; }
print STDERR "\[Recieving data\]\n";
while(<$handle>) {
print "$_";
print STDERR "\[Connection Closed\]\n";
} else { print STDERR "\[Could not connect to $host\]\n"; }
я делаю так сохраняю этот код в формате php, заливаю на сервер и запускаю ничего не происходит, что я делаю не так? как запустить этого зверя? Заранее спасибо за помощь