Добавлено: 22/12/00 в 12:58
Помогите разобраться с Ibill 13 декабря перестали работать CMI пароли на всех моих RevShareId, хотя срок на некоторых еще не вышел. Написал в support. Вот что они ответили. ------------------------------------------------- If you can, please call ibill at the number below. Just to make sure this is perfectly cleared. If not You have to send a fax to ibill with a signature of the account holder and state that you are requesting a password change. You may state the password to be what ever you want it to be in the fax. Have your master account number and email address on the fax and most importantly your signature. The fax number is (954) 724-0673. NOTE: You must change your password within the expiring day so you don't have to repeat this step. You will see how many days left your password has before it needs to be changed as you log in to the CMI in the upper left hand corner. Thank you, Armando Lopez Client Service Rep 954 726-3868 or 1800 764 4266 ------------------------------------------------ Вопросы. 1.Что конкретно они хотят и что такое "master account number". 2.Подскажите службу, через которую можно послать им факс через WEB. Заранее благодарен Всем.
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