We are very glad we can inform you that the long-awaited new version of
Chameleon Submitter 3.00 is out!! In this version we bring you the best features which will make your work even more efficient.
Here is the ultimate pick:
- more than 190 niche categories including Gay sub-categories!
- added new gallery descriptions with character counters!
- improved auto cropping thumbnail tool now with brightness/contrast/sharpen and other settings!
- Chameleon Submitter can now distinguish most of the currently used passphrases!
- more targeted generation of niche sites from the database for submission!
- added 2257 Info URL and Big Image URL!
+ more new features!
Find more information about the new version of Chameleon Submitter 3.00 here: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/wn.php
Проблема с апдейтом базы кто небудь разбирался
У меня пишет хотя винды XP Corp Eng
First update after software reinstallation detected. Please contact Chameleon Support to request a full update of your database.
Ты переустонавливал его если да то может быть так что в рестре остался ключик
lupdate на старой дате а база у тебя нове ты долен сам запросить у сапппорта полную базу