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Зарегистрирован: 24.11.02
Сообщения: 15
Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 15/10/04 в 21:13     

AdultWebware от лица всех своих сотрудников хочет поблагодарить
всех тех, кто разместил pre-orders, и получивших продукт с большой
скидкой до официального релиза. Список получился большой, и мы сейчас заняты выполнением этих внеочередных заказов, как и было обещано.

Параллельно проходят предрелизную проверку новый сайт и обновленная документация. В этот викенд сайт уже будет доступен для всех желающих ознакомиться с возможностями новой версии и получить полную информацию по всем имеющимся функциям.

Было бы полезно озвучить основные возможности предлагаемых пакетов и указать их основные отличия:

LITE version, just $135.95 - covers all the requirements an average
paysite might have:

- Photo/video content repository
- Thumbnailng & watermarking
- Slideshow, zip download
- Comments & voting, top lists
- Featured picture/movie
- Photo/Video basic search
- Pictures resizing
- Videos in multi formats & sizes
- Bonus photo/video content
- Basic statistics
- Easily customizable templates

All LITE version owners might freely upgrade to the FULL version at
any time for as low as $175.95 per site. FULL version is very good for
serious paysites owners who is taking care about interactivity
provided by the members area to its members, who are aiming to
increase conversions from the tours by showing updates and members
area previews, to increase trial to full membership convertions inside
the members area, to improve members retention, who are willing to
keep their content structurized with sellers names, costs and more.

The features of the FULL version includes all the features of the LITE
version, PLUS the following:

- Advanced content manager
- Advanced content search engine
- Easy updates scheduler calendar
- Updates automation (up to 4 algorythms)
- Add news in advance
- Grab users opinions (poll)
- Stories, FAQ, Banners, Links
- Trial / Full members content
- Content by episodes
- Instant messenger
- Htaccess users editor+stats
- Models catalogue
- Advanced database backup
- Niches-based content view
- Separate design per niche possible

and many more.

The Multi-Domain version has all the above functionality per each site
connected to it, PLUS the ability to have all content stored at one
place on server. You just specify which content should be shown on
which sites. You can also allow each paysite to search global content
storage to provide just everything you have to your members.

The price for the Multi-Domain version starts at $100 per site if you
place orders for 10 and more sites.

We would be glad to see your questions in our mailbox at
sales @ adultwebware . com


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Внимание! В связи с устареванием топика эта страница была взята из кэша.

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