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Информация о пользователе cyberxxx

Зарегистрирован: 10.03.03
Сообщения: 70
Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 18/03/04 в 22:27     

Most awaited feature for http://www.fhgstore.com has been implemented!

1) Now it became possible to filter the sponsors by niche, and by movie hosted galleries availability. We are going to implement some additional features soon.

2) You may also like to check our advanced Webmaster Directory, Board Watch and Webmaster Tools sections. We really hope you find them usful.

We will be grateful for ANY comments and suggestions regarding further improvement of our service.

BTW, FHGStore.com has got Google PR=6, and is being visited by over 2000 webmasters daily!

Attn Sponsors: please be sure to submit your hosted galleries to FHGStore.com (using this URL http://www.fhgstore.com/add.html), course if your affiliate program is not listed there already icon_smile.gif Also you may like to check our advanced advertising features here: http://www.fhgstore.com/advertise.html (we have the cheapest ad spots among PR=6 webmaster resource sites)

Thanks to all who using our service!

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