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Have your affiliate statistics under control + free hosting!

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С нами с 20.06.08
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 18/06/18 в 20:05       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Dear users,

don't spend your time all day long looking at stats in front of your computer, enjoy the summer!

Have you ever heard about Nifty Stats ( http://www.niftystats.com )? Do you know that this program will save you hundreds of hours of time? You won't have to click through the affiliate programs and analyze your sales any more, we have a solution for you!

What is Nifty Stats ?

Nifty Stats ( http://www.niftystats.com ) is a desktop utility, which automatically in regular intervals downloads the stats from your affiliate programs and PPC Campaigns.

Nifty Stats ( http://www.niftystats.com ) brings automated affiliate statistics right to your desktop – and it shows these stats in real time and on regular basis.
It is 100% safe and entire communication runs just between your computer and the server of your affiliate program.

We have an app for you, you can download it directly from Google Play.

Don't waste any more time and click now for a free hosting for your websites too, because everybody who has Nifty Stats has hosting at us for free as well!

Would you like to know more about Nifty Stats, would like to see all the features it has? Click Here!( http://www.niftystats.com )

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team
URL: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/

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