С нами с 01.04.07
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Добавлено: 15/06/13 в 10:12 |
Прислали письмишко.
Код: [развернуть] | Dear E-Gold account holder:
In the summer of 2008, E-Gold, Ltd. (E-Gold) pled guilty in United States v. E-Gold, Ltd. et al, Criminal Number 07-109, in the United States District Court in the District of Columbia. E-Gold was operating as an unlicensed money transmitter business in violation of federal criminal law. After E-Gold pleaded guilty in its criminal case, E-Gold contacted the United States Attorney’s Office in Baltimore, MD and offered to assist the government in recovering proceeds of criminal activity and in returning the value of certain accounts to qualified account holders. As a result, the United States Attorney’s Office applied for and obtained warrants from the court to seize funds from the sale of e-metal held in E-Gold accounts. E-Gold and the United States Attorney’s Office, with the assistance of the Claims Administrator, Rust Consulting, agreed to work together to return the value of certain accounts to qualified account holders.
If you are an E-Gold account holder receiving this communication and there is no indication of criminal activity in your E-Gold account(s), you may be eligible to participate in the E-Gold Claims Process. If you have already completed VAP CIP and successfully filed a claim, you do not need to do it again. If you would like to participate in the claims process, you must first go the E-Gold website, e-gold.com, and successfully complete the customer identification program (VAP CIP). Since completion of VAP CIP will be a prerequisite to making a VAP Claim, we encourage Users to complete VAP CIP as soon as possible. Users who have already completed User CIP should log in to their accounts to confirm no required actions are listed in their VAP CIP Checklist. Please contact E-Gold at e-gold.com through the “Contact Us” link if you have specific questions about your E-Gold account or CIP.
Once you have completed the VAP CIP process, you will be allowed to start the claims process, beginning June 3, 2013. You will have 120 days to complete the claims process. The claims filing period will end on October 1, 2013.
The first step in the claims process is to log in to your account at E-Gold (www.e-gold.com) and follow the prompts. You will be asked to review your e-metal balance, the monetized value to be claimed, and User and Ownership information, and specify a payee (either Owner or User). After completing this, click the “VAP Claim” button on e-gold.com to receive your login credentials for filing a claim with the Claims Administrator.
Your second step in the claims process will be to go to the E-Gold Claims Process website, egoldclaimsprocess.com and go to the “Submit a Claim” page. Here you will be given information about filing a claim and the payment process. You will be asked to login using the credentials from the E-Gold website and provide payment information for your claim, which will depend on the location of your bank account and the expected size of your payment.
If you have a bank account in the United States, your payment will be sent to your bank account through ACH (Automated Clearing House).
If you have a bank account in a country other than the US, your payment will be made by International ACH if it is available. International ACH is available for Canada, Mexico and most EU countries.
If your payment is larger than $1,000 and you do not have a bank account in a country with ACH, your payment will be send to your bank account via International Wire.
If your payment is less than $1,000 and you do not have a bank account in a country with ACH, your payment will be mailed to you in the form of a check.
After submitting your payment information, your claim will be reviewed by the Government and the Claims Administrator. Claims will be submitted to the Court for approval on a regular, rolling basis. The Government will provide notice of the motion and proposed order that is submitted to the Court to each claimant who would be affected by the order. Claimants will have an opportunity to object to the motion within 21 days of notification. The Claims Administrator will make payments to non-objecting VAP-Qualified claimants as soon as practicable after approval. Payments will be made either as a single payment amount by ACH, International Wire, or check (as described above) or in two payments, depending on the amount claimed.
All claims will be reviewed for disqualification due to engagement in criminal activity, terrorism and residence in a country with OFAC sanctions. Disqualified claimants will have an opportunity to seek judicial review.
If you are a US resident, your claim may be subject to treasury offset. The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCIA), 31 U.S.C. § 3716, requires the Department of the Treasury and other disbursing officials to offset Federal payments to collect delinquent tax and non-tax debts owed to the United States, and certain other debts owed to individual states, including delinquent child support.The IRS also levies disbursing officials to collect delinquent tax debts. Agencies submitting debts for collection by offset or levy send due process notification to the last known address prior to submission. If a payment made to you is reduced to collect a debt, the Department of Treasury will send a notice to you at the last address you provided to the governmental agency or entity to whom the offset payment is made. If you believe that your payment may be subject to an offset, you may contact the Treasury Department at 1-800-304-3107. The E-Gold Claims Process Administrator cannot answer any questions about offsets.
If you have any questions, more information can be found by doing one of the following:
Visit the E-Gold website at e-gold.com and click on “Contact Us” at the top of the page to navigate to the Customer Services webpage for questions about your E-Gold account or CIP;
Visit the Claims Process website at egoldclaimsprocess.com for questions about the claims or payment process;
Call toll-free, 1-888-764-7519, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Central Time; or;
Email your inquiry to info@egoldclaimsprocess.com.
Rust Consulting, Inc.
E-Gold Claims Process Administrator |
е-мейл какой-то мутный, но на официальном сайте лежит: http://blog.e-gold.com/value-access-plan/
С нами с 01.04.07
Сообщения: 4378
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Добавлено: 15/06/13 в 10:14 |
Кто разбирается в международных финансово-юридических вопросах поясните пожалуйста, насколько реально деньги вернуть? Так ли всё гладко как пишут?
С нами с 14.08.11
Сообщения: 286
Рейтинг: 212
Добавлено: 15/06/13 в 11:44 |
Если у Вас есть какие то документы на деятельность и она не попадает под данные закондательные ограничения по отмывке денег - вполне реально.
Продаю домены, принимаю wm, ec
С нами с 23.03.03
Сообщения: 2097
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Добавлено: 15/06/13 в 15:16 |
Тоже получил, там баксов 20 зависло, х.с ними. А вот 52 000 рефералов это жалко до слез..
С нами с 04.10.12
Сообщения: 185
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Добавлено: 30/06/13 в 10:18 |
Насколько я в курсе, было две рассылки по БД клиентов егольда. Первая была по всем несколько месяцев назад, а потом сделали вторую по тем аккаунтам которые "они" (хз кто)) посчитал наиболее благонадёжными, и не связанными с "нелегальными" аккаунтами. В нелегал попало много всего, и акцент первой рассылки был вроде как на том, что "вы можете подать заявление на возврат средств, но если они будут признаны нелегальными вам пездец", в общем без серьёзной легальной поддержки в US там явно делать нечего. А вот вторая рассылка, типа была по БД "потенциальных терпил", кто деньги в систему ввёл, но ничего сомнительного не делал. Однако я не 100% уверен в достоверности этой инфы.
Если сумма зависла приличная, и 100% нет сомнительных операций в истории (там скорее всего будут hyips, mlms, forex, instant exchanges и Бог его знает чего ещё им там покажется подозрительным), например только успел зарегаться в системе и деньги через обменник завести, то однозначно стоит начать процедуру. Если же есть сомнения, доказывать "что не верблюд" может вылиться в существенную сумму, и даже обвинения в участии в отмывании etc могут быть выдвинуты. В общем, дело реально рискованное даже если ничего плохого и не делал.
С нами с 01.04.07
Сообщения: 4378
Рейтинг: 2970
Добавлено: 29/07/13 в 15:11 |
А кто-то вступал с ними в переписку по адресам вида ***_passphrase@e-gold.com ?
А то им utility bill не понравился, я ответил на этот адрес. И хрен знает этот е-мейл для общения или нет.
Текстовая реклама в форме ответа Заголовок и до четырех строчек текста Длина текста до 350 символов Купить рекламу в этом месте! |
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