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Upload Your Video To Hundreds Tube Sites In Just Minutes!

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С нами с 20.06.08
Сообщения: 83
Рейтинг: 2

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 30/01/13 в 16:28       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Auto creation of profiles on tube sites, Auto and Manual upload of videos to hundreds of tube sites! http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com

The Tube Sites Submitter ( http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com ) is a fast and efficient tool for anyone who needs to upload videos quickly, easily and automatically to hundreds of tube sites in mere minutes. Tube Sites Submitter takes only minutes to create profiles on tube sites and upload your video automatically to the tube sites included in the database which is part of the Tube Sites Submitter.

The Tube Sites Submitter ( http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com )will:
- upload your video to hundreds of tube sites
- register your profile on hundreds of tube sites
- make sure your video is seen by tens of thousands of users
- increase traffic to your sites
- boost your earnings
- save you a lot of time
- make your work more efficient

The Tube Sites Submitter contains a database of tube sites and their rules.
- there are more than 200 categories and a video can be uploaded to as many as 6 niche categories
- you can create an unlimited number of profiles
- proxy settings for individual profiles
- upload to hundreds of tube sites
- an easy-to-use password manager for your passwords
- attach descriptions of different size to the same video
- upload videos including the 2257 info
- upload videos including full video data (video duration, file size, format...)
- upload different video types (wmv, mpg, mp4, mov, flv, avi etc, etc.)
- upload videos with tags
- uploading videos with content-type information is fully supported

Registration for tube sites:

- register for hundreds of tube sites in a couple of minutes
- Auto and Manual registration
- automatic form completion
- more than 200 niche categories with the possibility to set registration to 6 niche categories
- a ready-to-use database of tube sites – all you need is register
- tube sites generated according to tube site rules
- once registered, you can use the auto confirm tool (Chameleon Confirmer)
- use proxy for registering to tube sites
- simple login and password manager
- status report after registration to tube sites
- flexible tube site login and password setting
- edit tube sites in the register step
- fast auto registration to tube sites, up to 10 sites at the same time!
- fast manual registration, in up to 10 windows at the same time!
- and many other options!

Upload Videos to tube sites:

- upload videos to hundreds of tube sites
- auto submit (upload) of your videos to tube sites + SCHEDULER
- auto upload your videos to up to 10 tube sites at the same time
- manual submit (upload) of your videos to tube sites
- manual upload of videos in up to 10 windows at the same time
- more than 200 niche categories with the possibility to set upload to 6 niche categories
- automatic form completion during manual submission
- automatic recognition of CAPTCHA codes
- the video is only uploaded to those tube sites which meet video parameters
- upload videos via a proxy server
- add as many as four different descriptions to a video
- automatic conversion of duration, size and format of the video when filling out video info
- submit various formats including wmv, mpg, avi, mp4, flv, mov, 3gp etc..
- support of tags
- support for submitting 2257 info and site info
- select and upload a video to as many as 6 categories
- an easy-to-use video repository
- create and delete tube GROUPS
- and many other features.

But this is not all!!!

Buy the Tube Sites Submitter and you will receive all software upgrades and regular database updates entirely for free!

Interested in Tube Sites Submitter ? Click here for more info: http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com


С нами с 20.06.08
Сообщения: 83
Рейтинг: 2

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 07/02/13 в 13:34       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Dear users,

Chameleon Submitter Team proudly maintains top traffic solution tools with regularly updated Databases.

We are happy to realize that our software is the only one of its kind out there on the market as each Chameleon product has its own database
of sites, that is being reviewed, added, edited, and removed by hand on a daily basis.

TODAY FEBRUARY-07-2013; the following updates have been completed:

- Tube sites update in Tube Sites Submitter
( http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com/ )

- TGP/MGP sites update in Chameleon Submitter
( http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/as.php ).

- Database update of Chameleon Partner Account Requester
( http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/ar.php ).

- Link Lists sites update in Chameleon Link List Submitter
( http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/linklistsubmitter.php )

You can now update all databases at your end by selecting Update from
the Database Menu (Database > Update) inside each software.

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team
URL: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/

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