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С нами с 25.11.05
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 02/03/12 в 08:20       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

На адалтовый блог пришло письмецо:


How's it going? I saw your site ХХХХХХХХХХХХ [dot] com and wanted to inquire about the possibility of working together. I work with a few adult dating offers that convert with the right targetted traffic. Right now we're offering a competetive payout on free trial joins to our offers. Our webmaster tools generally include static banners, geo targetted iframe ads, and page peels, but we're always open to discussing additional marketing methods as well. We'd love to have the opportunity to discuss working together. I'd be more than happy to send over the specifics about our program/sites. I can be reached anytime between 9am-5pm PST, Monday-Friday, through email or any of the contacts below. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Nick Mow

и еще одно

I appreciate you getting back to us. Nice to meet you! My name is Nick; I work alongside Grace with the affiliate program adultcash.com. We run the dating offers lonelycheatingwives.com and marriedbutlonely.com, which cater to those looking for discreet affairs. Our offers currently convert with a variety of different traffic sources. I think our offers have the potential to do well with your traffic. We payout $35 on 3 day trials to our sites through check/wire, and have promo tools suited towards multiple niches and traffic sources. These include static banners, geo targetted iframe ads, and page peels. Our in house designer also just created some new banners for 2012 that are converting great so far.

I'd definitely like the opportunity to work together with your traffic. I can get you setup and approved for an adultcash account asap. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the affiliate program, our sites, or working together. I can be reached anytime during business hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm PST through email or any of the IM clients below. Looking forward to hearing from you! Have a great day.



Skype: nick.mow
ICQ: 620744965
MSN: nick.mow [@] hotmail.com
AIM: nickmowcp
Address: 7040 Avenida Encinas Suite 104 PMB 300
Carlsbad, CA 92011

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С нами с 26.09.07
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 05/03/12 в 21:57       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

мне тоже присылали. зашел на сайт datingpayouts.com - ни одну кнопку не нажать)) вроде внете искал про них - ничего хорошего не помню, чтоб сказали

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