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Зарегистрирован: 24.07.00
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Добавлено: 16/08/03 в 16:06
Получил вчера письмо от ибила с требованием изменить джойн-пагу, подогнать ее под требования MasterCard. Коллеги, вы получили такое письмо? Какие мысли по этому поводу?
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Зарегистрирован: 15.01.01
Сообщения: 624
Добавлено: 16/08/03 в 17:39
а какие могут быть мысли? делай как говорят делов то убираешь лого делаешь ссылку на ибил передираешь линк на джоин
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Зарегистрирован: 07.07.03
Сообщения: 245
Добавлено: 16/08/03 в 23:06
огласите весь список требований, если не затруднит.
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Зарегистрирован: 24.01.03
Сообщения: 679
Добавлено: 16/08/03 в 23:31
да плиз, письмо получил, но удалил, не прочитав толком
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Зарегистрирован: 15.01.01
Сообщения: 624
Добавлено: 17/08/03 в 01:32
MasterCard Portal Update
Dear iBill client,
As you know, iBill has invested considerable effort in conjunction with our acquiring bank and MasterCard to submit a compliance plan for our clients that would meet the revised MasterCard processing regulations. As a result, iBill was the first merchant to gain approval from MasterCard for their compliance plan. Since approval of iBill's compliance plan, we have continued our discussions with MasterCard to lobby for approval of additional changes to the submitted plan, including the feedback we received from our clients. We are pleased to notify you that we have received approval on key changes to our compliance solution that result in a revised solution which is easier for our clients to implement. You can view a Flash demonstration of our revised solution at http://www.ibill.com/support/mastercard/portal.swf <http://www.ibill.com/support/mastercard/portal.swf> .
The key changes to our revised solution relates to required alterations on your Website(s). The only changes now required for your site(s) are:
* Remove all MasterCard marks/logos
* Accurately identify iBill as the merchant
* Change your button coding
You can begin the compliance process by making the minor changes outlined below and submit your site(s) to iBill for approval.
Submitting Your Site(s) for Approval:
Step 1. MasterCard branding: Remove all MasterCard marks, brands and logos from your site(s).
Step 2. Merchant Identification: Clearly identify iBill as the merchant on your site(s). MasterCard regulations stipulate that iBill must be identified as the "merchant of record".
Step 3. Site Description: Enter a description and choose a category for your site(s) at http://www.ibill.com/merchantinfo <http://www.ibill.com/merchantinfo> . According to MasterCard, your description must "be sufficient for a reasonable person to ascertain what the underlying Website will provide to the cardholder based solely on the iBill description." Creating your description and choosing a category will automatically submit your site to iBill's compliance team for approval. It is important that you complete this step as soon as possible. Any client site not approved by iBill's compliance team as of midnight on August 21, 2003 will result in the inability to process MasterCard transactions on that site.
Site Approval Process/Notification
You will receive an email from iBill Compliance upon review and approval of your submitted site(s). If you would like to monitor the progress of the approval process, simply log into the merchant info area of iBill's website, https://www.ibill.com/merchantinfo <https://www.ibill.com/merchantinfo> .
Once Your Site(s) Is Approved
Once your site has been approved, you will need to update your button coding. The new button coding will be posted on August 7, 2003 at http://www.ibill.com/support/setup/mastercard/default.cfm <http://www.ibill.com/support/setup/mastercard/default.cfm> . You can review the new button coding; however, do not implement this code until notified by iBill that the MasterCard Portal and Dynamic Pay Page are activated. We anticipate this activation will occur on or before August 15, 2003 and will notify you immediately via email. Any deviation from this expected date will be communicated to you.
Special Note: iBill portal-generated transactions
Please note that for transactions originating on the iBill portal, the customer will not visit your site. If transactions from your site are dependent on data generated on your site and passed on to iBill, please click on the following link http://www.ibill.com/support/mastercard/portalhelp.cfm <http://www.ibill.com/support/mastercard/portalhelp.cfm> for more information.
We thank you for your feedback throughout this process. As a result of ongoing client communication we are confident our revised MasterCard solution will result in a smooth transition for our clients while minimizing the impact on your business. If you have any questions please contact your iBill account manager.
Thank you.
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Зарегистрирован: 07.07.03
Сообщения: 245
Добавлено: 17/08/03 в 02:03
Спасибо 8) По моему скромному разумению, ничего сложного и выходящего за рамки разумного ;-)
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Зарегистрирован: 15.01.01
Сообщения: 624
Добавлено: 17/08/03 в 02:11
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Зарегистрирован: 06.08.03
Сообщения: 57
Добавлено: 20/08/03 в 23:10
я вот только не пойму что там за кнопки надо менять на джойне.. зачем их вообще менять?? или надо что то дополнительно сделать??
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Зарегистрирован: 22.05.03
Сообщения: 18
Добавлено: 22/08/03 в 00:24
Если кто прошел approval на Master Card compliance, то плиз, бросьте ссылку на ваш join page. Хочу свериться )
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