С нами с 28.07.07
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 11:08 |
ну вот уже и палка упала....
С нами с 28.04.08
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 11:09 |
у меня работает.
С нами с 01.11.01
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 11:12 |
всё пашет
На пенсии
С нами с 10.12.06
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 11:16 |
Не нравитса мне все это
Раздаю инвайты, ищу линк-трейд
С нами с 20.08.04
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 11:38 |
Хакеры устроили атаку на сайты "обидчиков" WikiLeaks
Цитата: | Группа хакеров - сторонников основателя сайта WikiLeaks Джулиана Ассанджа, задержанного британской полицией, атаковала сайты "обидчиков" портала. Нападениям программистов подверглись сайты прокуратуры Швеции, электронной платежной системы PayPal, которая отказалась принимать переводы на имя Дж.Ассанджа, и швейцарского банка, заморозившего счета основателя WikiLeaks, сообщает Би-би-си. |
MasterСard и Visa пострадали от хакерской атаки
Цитата: | Международная хакерская группа нарушила работу крупнейших платежных систем MasterСard и Visa. В результате действий извне "платежная система MasterСard полностью перестала функционировать", передает Associated Press. По словам представителей MasterCard, не работал даже сайт системы.
Напомним, накануне крупнейшая международная платежная система MasterCard заморозила перечисление средств на счета интернет-проекта WikiLeaks в связи с расследованием в отношении основателя проекта Дж.Ассанджа. По заявлению представителей MasterCard, осуществление операций приостановлено "до полного окончания расследования деятельности WikiLeaks и прояснения ситуации". Аналогичное объявление о заморозке счетов WikiLeaks также поступило от ведущей платежной системы Visa. |
С нами с 05.04.07
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Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 12:01 |
вроде оклемались уже
+ + +
С нами с 04.11.10
Сообщения: 4874
Рейтинг: 172
Добавлено: 09/12/10 в 19:37 |
Updated Statement about WikiLeaks from PayPal General Counsel, John Muller
Media reports today regarding a statement made by our vice president of platform, mobile and new ventures, Osama Bedier, at the LeWeb conference in Paris, have created confusion about PayPal’s decision to permanently restrict the account that was raising funds for WikiLeaks. We want to set the record straight.
As a global payment service that moves billions of our customers’ funds across borders and across jurisdictions, we are required to comply with laws around the world. Compliance with these laws is something we take very seriously. PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy states that we do not allow any organization to use our service if it encourages, promotes, facilitates or instructs others to engage in illegal activity. This policy is part of an agreement we’ve made with our account holders and with the companies that allow us to process global payments. It’s also an important part of our commitment to protect our customers and to ensure our business can continue operating around the world.
In 2008 and 2009, PayPal reviewed and restricted the account associated with WikiLeaks for reasons unrelated to our Acceptable Use Policy. As soon as proper information was received from the account holder, the restrictions were lifted.
The account was again reviewed last week after the U.S. Department of State publicized a letter to WikiLeaks on November 27, stating that WikiLeaks may be in possession of documents that were provided in violation of U.S. law. PayPal was not contacted by any government organization in the U.S. or abroad. We restricted the account based on our Acceptable Use Policy review. Ultimately, our difficult decision was based on a belief that the WikiLeaks website was encouraging sources to release classified material, which is likely a violation of law by the source.
While the account will remain restricted, PayPal will release all remaining funds in the account to the foundation that was raising funds for WikiLeaks.
We understand that PayPal’s decision has become part of a broader story involving political, legal and free speech debates surrounding WikiLeaks’ activities. None of these concerns factored into our decision. Our only consideration was whether or not the account associated with WikiLeaks violated our Acceptable Use Policy and regulations required of us as a global payment company. Our actions in this matter are consistent with any account found to be in violation of our policies.
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