существует ли программа определяющая какие домены висят на определённых нс?
т.е. например я вбиваю: ns1.domain.com и получаю список доменов которые висят на этих нсах
Q: Your site is very helpful, but the information seems to be wrong
A:The primary information on a hostname should be automatically refreshed, if the ip of a nameserver or mailserver is outdated, you can see how old it is under the name, and simply by clicking on it it will take you to the corresponding url and refresh the data. We try to update network information and AS-number information weekly, you can see when it was last generated on any page describing the AS-number. The names of AS-numbers and some other information is updated via radb.net, so make sure your information is correctly registered there. You can get it listed via any of the registries they mirror, such as altdb.net