С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 18:52 |
Доброго дня, уважаемые вебмастера.
Надеемся, вы хорошо провели время, отметили все праздники и с позитивным настроем вернулись к работе!
Хотим сообщить о том, что произошло за последние 2 недели:
1. Новая пара появилась на нашем эксклюзивном 100% аматеурном сайте CashForSexTape.com.
Также добавлено 28 ФХГ для этого сайта:
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1505avibyc/index.html || Polishing my sexy babe's hole in the club || Wild night out in the club, where Sophia dressed up like a sort of an evil angel, I wanted my hands on her saucy slit so bad it hurt! What a night
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1507avicut/index.html || Foamy tub and my cock between girl's legs || We set up another experiment and went skating today.. Ok, we are not great at this. But we are so good at fucking our brains out, that's what I know for sure!
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1604aviogd/index.html || Ask her out and invite her over  || Someday you'll have to meet your partner's friends, and if you pass this test, you're golden  I passed, and that means I deserved one rough great fuck!
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1503sek/index.html || Oral sex vs amusement park! Your choice || I took my gorgeous babe to amusement park today, but I couldn't wait for us to come home so I could lick her delicious tasty pussy that I own
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1504nak/index.html || Out of town for new sex experiences || We got so sick of the city, and I took my girl to the country where I rent a boat. God, I've never ever got a blow job in the middle of a fucking river
http://www.hostave4.net/cfst/fhg/video/1607jnn/index.html || Rise and shine, and polish your gf's hole || So we stayed over at Ilya's place. You know, too much alcohol.. In the morning I was so hard I couldn't even wait until we get home and fucked my girl right there!
С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 18:54 |
С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 18:56 |
3. Наши пикаперы подцепили еще 2х симпатичных девушек. Их вы можете увидеть на MyPickUpGirls.com :
8 ФХГ добавлены для этих видео и других видео:
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/066deg/index.html || Guys pick gal up and own her in the car || That was a really cute bimbo that I and my friend picked up in the street while having a ride around the city… She was not only cute but really willing to fuck right in our car!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/067huk/index.html || Frisky blonde agreed to fuck on the road || This was a frisky blonde that we got acquainted with in the park and no matter how innocent she looked and behaved she very quickly agreed to show the treasures and even fuck with us on the road!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/068cdk/index.html || Sexy manager drilled by two hard sticks || Once we saw this young and sexy manager from the auto saloon we immediately forgot about the business and invited her for a walk under the skies during which both our dick stretched babe’s holes!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/069crc/index.html || Babe was picked up while roller skating || If you wanna know what we call a really lucky day then watch this horny video in which two guys have picked the sweet babe while she was roller-skating. A great fuck and heavy cumshot are provided!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/066tnm/index.html || Guys pick gal up and own her in the car || That was a really cute bimbo that I and my friend picked up in the street while having a ride around the city… She was not only cute but really willing to fuck right in our car!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/067bkk/index.html || Frisky blonde agreed to fuck on the road || This was a frisky blonde that we got acquainted with in the park and no matter how innocent she looked and behaved she very quickly agreed to show the treasures and even fuck with us on the road!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/068wud/index.html || Sexy manager drilled by two hard sticks || Once we saw this young and sexy manager from the auto saloon we immediately forgot about the business and invited her for a walk under the skies during which both our dick stretched babe’s holes!
http://www.hostave4.net/mpg/fhg/video/069mqj/index.html || Babe was picked up while roller skating || If you wanna know what we call a really lucky day then watch this horny video in which two guys have picked the sweet babe while she was roller-skating. A great fuck and heavy cumshot are provided!
С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 18:56 |
С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 18:57 |
С нами с 18.04.07
Сообщения: 619
Рейтинг: 247
Добавлено: 11/01/10 в 19:00 |
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С нами с 25.01.07
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Добавлено: 20/01/10 в 23:06 |
да, ваш сайт cashforsextape пользуется популярностью ))))))))))
нашел там видео занкомой-соседки.... жесть, не думаю что она на такое способна!!!
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