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KissaK contains HD, photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: behind the scene, erotic, High Quality, natural, New Age, softcore, solo
ETHNICS: european
KissaK Cash - Beauty Pays (1 sites, CCBill AP) Webmaster's payout: $25, weekly
Pay method: check, wire, wire US
Gallery Carre contains photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: art, behind the scene, erotic, glamour, High Quality, natural, softcore, solo, toys / dildos
ETHNICS: european
New Nude Cash (6 sites, MPA3) Webmaster's payout: $100, bi-weekly, each 1th and 15th
Pay method: check, ePassporte, wire
Watch 4 Beauty contains HD, online magazine, photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: art, erotic, glamour, High Quality, natural, New Age, softcore, solo, teen
Bcash 4 You (9 sites, CCBill AP) Webmaster's payout: $25, weekly
Pay method: check, wire, wire US
Bonus: multisite access (9 sites)
Skokoff contains HD, photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: art, erotic, High Quality, natural, outdoor, producer's site, softcore, solo, studio shootings
ETHNICS: russian
True Beauty Cash (4 sites, CCBill AP) Webmaster's payout: $25, weekly
Pay method: check, wire, wire US