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Кто знает какие цены у хана ?

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С нами с 28.02.03
Сообщения: 8548
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 20/12/08 в 21:33       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

`imp писал:
Вполне возможно.
Мне одна партнерка предлагала разместить свою ФХГ на моем мертвом сидже мейнстримном. Траф был, но вообще крохи.
Я, - не вопрос, сколько дадите бабла?
Они, - сколько хочешь сам?
Я, - да чё, 300 баксов.
Они, - без базара, держи!

аче запортнерка уменя есть тоже пару дохлых cj icon_smile.gif

Сдам место в подписи. Предложения в личку.


С нами с 18.11.99
Сообщения: 14226

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 21/12/08 в 03:49       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Текущие цены на Хане:
Понизились по сравнению с прошлым годом, но имхо все равно сильно переоценено. Очереди нет. Справедливая цена его спотов в два раза ниже, так как и трафик у него упал в два раза за 3 года.

A top text link sells for $600.00.
Your link would be the top text link on a given day ( you can select the day ) and your link remains at the top of that days page.

All links stay on the main page for 4 days, moving down the page as each new days galleries are posted.

After the 4 days your link will be archived where it remains active for a year.
With multiple text link purchases, we also sell the 2 to 5 spots, 6 to 15 spots and the 16-20 spots.
Here is the break down.
2 TO 5 SPOT:
3 text links for $1200 ( in the 2 to 5 spot )

10 text links for $3500.00. ( in the 2 to 5 spot )

6 TO 15 SPOT:
10 text links for $2500.00. ( in the 6 to 15 spot )

16-20 SPOT:
10 Text links for $2000.00 (in the 16-20 spot)

A text link must go to a free pics page with at least 12 to 15 free pics on it.

No exit consoles, redirects or blind links or blind banners are permitted.

If using movie samples, 3 movie clips is minimum.

PLEASE NOTE. The advertising cannot out number the free samples, on the free pics page.

The main focus must be the gallery.

When getting into multiple text links bear in mind that we need a new URL each time so that it doesn’t show up as previously “clicked on” on peoples browsers and The Hun requires fresh content for each posting.
The Hun will not accept PHP or ID’s in the URL. Straight html only please.
Once a link has been approved and posted, no changes can be made to that gallery.
Text link advertising can start anytime during the month and we’ll help you set up your posting dates.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Parney Galione


+ + +

С нами с 11.10.06
Сообщения: 266
Рейтинг: 10

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 21/12/08 в 23:49       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Кит спасибо огромное ! smail54.gif и всем спасибО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ + +

С нами с 11.10.06
Сообщения: 266
Рейтинг: 10

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 23/12/08 в 00:31       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Вот пришла инфа от котов icon_smile.gif

Hun Banner Advert
To check the stats on The Hun's traffic

We are currently  booking banner insertions for January 2009

$1300.00  buys you a horizontal banner or $1350.00 for a  vertical banner in rotation on the Current Month Page.

Your banner will rotate throughout the existing banner spots.

The rotation is random, but all banners receive an even impression rate over a 24 hour period.

You host your own banner.  Banners must be .jpg or.gif only at this time.

The advantage of keeping it on your server is that you can change
the banner as often as you like    (as long as you keep the name of
the banner and the size the same.) Previous users coming in during the month will not see the old banner. It will look new and fresh and receive more activity.

You can also increase your exposure rate by purchasing additional banner space. Or you can purchase a text link or links on The Hun.

Banner advertising is also available for The Hun's Submit page, Webmaster page, The Hun's overflow page and on The Hun's Thumbs-up.
For a banner on any of the sub pages the price is $700.00 a month

The Hun.net will not accept advertising from  sites that promote potentially kiddie porn or advertise other sites that are considered potentially kiddie porn sites.

These sites will be judged solely by ourselves using the Hun’s guidelines, and any picture or wording that insinuates that the site contains underage models will no longer be considered for posting or advertising on the Hun.




To check the stats go to:  http://newstats.sextracker.com/st?skn=summary&auth.Id=111180
A top text link sells for $600.00.

Your link would be the top text link on a given day ( you can select the day ) and your link remains at the top of that days page.

All links stay on the main page for 4 days, moving down the page as each new days galleries are posted.
After the 4 days your link will be archived where it remains active for a year.

With multiple text link purchases, we also sell the 2 to 5 spots,  6 to 15 spots and the 16-20 spots.

Here is the break down.

2 TO 5 SPOT:

3 text links for $1200  ( in the 2 to 5 spot )

10 text links for $3500.00.  ( in the 2 to 5 spot )

6 TO 15 SPOT:

10 text links for $2500.00.   ( in the 6 to 15 spot )

16-20 SPOT: 

10 Text links for $2000.00 (in the 16-20 spot)


A text link must go to a free pics page with at least 12 to 15 free pics on it.
No exit consoles, redirects or blind links or blind banners are permitted.

If using movie samples,   3 movie clips is minimum.
PLEASE NOTE. The advertising cannot out number the free samples, on the free pics page.
The main focus must be the gallery.

When getting into multiple text links bear in mind that we need a new URL each time so that it doesn’t show up as previously “clicked on” on peoples browsers and The Hun requires fresh content for each posting.

The Hun will not accept PHP or ID’s in the URL.  Straight html only please.

Once a link has been approved and posted, no changes can be made to that gallery.

Text link advertising can start anytime during the month and we’ll help you set up your posting dates.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Overflow Advertising

URL      http://www.thehun.net/overflow/
To check the stats go to:  http://newstats.sextracker.com/st?skn=summary&auth.Id=111180

Banners are $500.00 per month in rotation
Your banner will rotate throughout the existing banner spots.
The rotation is random, but all banners receive an even impression rate over a 24 hour period.
You host your own banner.  Banners must be .jpg or.gif only at this time.
The advantage of keeping it on your server is that you can change
the banner as often as you like    (as long as you keep the name of
the banner and the size the same.) Previous users coming in during the month will not see the old banner. It will look new and fresh and receive more activity.
You can also increase your exposure rate by purchasing additional banner space. Or you can purchase a text link or links on The Hun’s Overflow Page..

A TOP LINK in any category is
10  for $1000.00
5   for $650.00
1   for  $150.00

smail54.gif icon_lol.gif smail101.gif

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