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Multi-licenses available!

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С нами с 20.06.08
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 02/07/08 в 16:13       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

We are happy to inform you, that starting today we are offering multi licenses (with great discounts) of our products for adult sponsors.
This includes:

Chameleon TGP/MGP Submitter
Chameleon Link List Submitter
Chameleon Partner Account Requester
Chameleon Confirmer

As you may already know, our submitter's databases are updated daily, so you won't miss any new rule of a TGP/MGP.

Also we have a brand new interface for managing these licenses which makes the whole process faster and more effective.

Webmasters looking for free licenses please contact your sponsors and give them the following details where they can get more information and order our products for you:

Sales representative:
Paul John
pauljohn ^ chameleonsubmitter.com
ICQ: 314266131
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

Chameleon Submitter Team
E-mail: support % chameleonsubmitter.com
ICQ#: 173087451

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