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True 10 Gbps Dedicated Servers (UA / NL / USA)

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С нами с 13.07.22
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 27/07/23 в 16:33       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Hello! VSYS Host is here!

We are delighted to offer our powerful 10 Gbps servers - the embodiment of speed and performance! With VSYS Host, you can be confident that you are getting 100% real 10 Gbps servers!

DC of your choice:
- Ukraine
- The Netherlands

Interesting to know: We have prepared a special article on our blog about how to distinguish true 10 Gbps servers from fake ones. Check it out to stay informed and make the right choice: True vs. Fake 10Gbps Servers

What makes our 10Gbps Dedicated Servers with Unlimited Bandwidth stand out?
1)Fully 10Gbps Loading: HW configs capable of fully loading 10 Gbps servers. Deploy & OS installation – no setup charges.
2)Customized Network Services: Enjoy tailored network services, including IP address announcement via BGP, private network setups, and virtual/physical VLAN/VRACK configurations. Customized network tweaks are like TCP BBR for a 10Gbps streaming server.
3)Shared Bandwidth: Efficiently utilize resources by sharing ordered bandwidth between your dedicated 10Gbps servers.
4)High Network Capacity: Experience exceptional connectivity with >1Tbps network capacity, ensuring awesome connectivity and optimal performance.
5)99.97% Uptime Guarantee: Count on outstanding network uptime with a guarantee and no packet loss.
6)DDoS Ready Network: Benefit from a DDoS-ready network, ensuring protection against potential threats.
7)Custom Hardware Configurations: Request custom hardware configurations to meet your specific 10Gbps server needs.

Connect to the world of performance and speed today:

Our friendly and experienced team is ready to support you 24/7! If you have any questions or need assistance, we are always here to help.
Feel free to contact us via sales@vsys.host or DM.

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